
Subjects 教科


英語「フェアトレード製品をプレゼン!」 高校1年生 論理表現








Wayo’s English Logic and Expressions aims to enhance the students’ linguistic and communicative competence in various social contexts. Smart technology, disaster preparedness, and environmental protection are some of the issues made more tangible and brought closer to the students’ realm of understanding through a balance of input and output-focused language learning activities.

The classes are taught via team-teaching. The Japanese teacher (JT) implements input and structure-focused (grammar) lessons, and the international teacher (IT) facilitates task-based (speaking and writing) activities. A carefully-coordinated design of JT and IT activities in one curriculum enables the students to learn the language more systematically and transform this linguistic knowledge into communicative skills. It provides the students a clearer picture of how the different language skill sets are deeply connected, thus making them better, well-rounded learners of the English language.

There is a wide variety of topics covered in the classes, ranging from health and wellness, responsible consumption, to reduced inequality and economic growth. These are all thematically unified under the umbrella of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
These concepts may seem too abstract to ordinary high school students, but the content and the tasks are designed such that they are able to relate these topics to their daily lives and the community they belong to.

For instance, with regard to climate action, students discussed innovative, eco-friendly actions/products that can be done/used by themselves. Another example is when students gave a presentation of a fairtrade product of their choice. By researching these products, students become more aware of the issues involving global inequality, poverty, environmental protection and labor conditions. Most importantly, they realize that their simple actions,such as supporting fair trade products, can have an impact on a wider community.

The curriculum nurtures the students’ linguistic skills and broadens their world view. It empowers them not only to become active and analytical language learners, but also critical thinkers and responsible citizens of a global society.

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