令和4年度千葉県高等学校生徒英語研究発表大会市川地区大会 1年Recitation(暗唱)部門 優勝
第73回千葉県高等学校生徒英語研究発表大会 1年Recitation(暗唱)部門 第3位
The preparations for the speech contest began in May. After being chosen in the audition, Natsuki was asked to read the story and meaning, she could not have put so much expression into her storytelling. After that, we practiced a little every day, usually 5 or 6 times a week. It was summer holidays, so many of the practices were held using Google Meet.
By the end of summer, she had mastered the pronunciation of the speech. It was time to memorize it and add the expressions and gestures. September was very busy because we also had our school festival, but Natsuki managed to memorize the story on schedule. Then we started practicing in open spaces so she had to speak loudly and others could watch. She was shy about showing her speech, but she was able to make the speech in spite of being nervous. Finally, on the day of each contest, she performed even better than I had seen.
After the prefectural contest we talked about how she has to remember the lessons learned in the speech contest. Some things are bound to be difficult in high school and in life, but with preparation and effort, we can achieve so much. Well done, Natsuki-san!
金子さんは校内オーディションで選ばれ、スピーチコンテストの練習を始めました。その頃はまだ感情を入れて話すことはそれほどできていませんでしたが、毎日少しずつ練習し、夏休みにはGoogle Meetでたくさん練習したことで、夏の終わりには発音をマスターしました。9月は学園祭で忙しかったものの、題材を覚えることも怠りませんでした。それからは中庭で大きな声で練習し、緊張せずに人前で話せるようになり、コンテストの日は今までで1番良いパフォーマンスを披露することができました。県大会後、スピーチコンテストで学んだ以下の教訓について話しました。