

オーストラリア語学研修 4




この日、姉妹校のセント・ヒルダズを訪問しました。午前中、西オーストラリアのニョンガー先住民の尊敬される長老の一人であるNeville Collard (ネヴィル・コラード)氏から、先住民の文化と歴史について学びました。先住民の風習、伝統、そして世代を超えて受け継がれてきた物語を聞くのはとても興味深いものでした。それはまた、歴史を理解し、文化の多様性を尊重し、受け入れることの重要性を浮き彫りにする目を開かされる体験でした。



On this day, the students visited their sister school, St. Hilda’s. In the morning, they learned about Aboriginal culture and history from Mr. Neville Collard, one of the respected elders of the Nyungar Aboriginal people in Western Australia. It was fascinating to listen to the Aboriginal customs, traditions, and stories passed down from generation to generation. It was also an eye-opening experience that highlighted the importance of understanding history and respecting, if not embracing, cultural diversity.

After the lecture, the students had lunch together. In the afternoon, St. Hilda’s students gave the Wayo students a tour of their campus. Time flew by, and it was finally time for the students to say goodbye, though not without exchanging emails and promises to each other to keep in touch and meet again soon in Japan.

The school visit to St. Hilda’s was brief, but the conversations, time spent together, and friendships formed will be something that the Wayo students take with them back to Japan and cherish for many years to come.


オーストラリア語学研修 2

オーストラリア語学研修 3

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